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Exhibition Scenography,


Weimar 2019​

Spatial graphic for exhibition scenography. Conception and planning. 

Realisation by Helmreich Malerfachbetrieb und Fassadensanierung GmbH

at Schiller Museum, Klassik Stiftung Weimar

The exhibition design symbolically merges the idea of the traditional museum as a container of objects, where artifacts of the past are kept and displayed with the notion of a undefinable, spontaneous future- oriented present.  Working with a 3D- model the artist cut through it with three plates, the resulting shadows on the walls of the exhibitions spaces where then applied to the walls of Schiller Museum. While the color scheme creates a unified look, the intersection of color fields creates a dynamism that creates a sequence of stages that also allow for novel ways of interacting with the works and events presented in the space. Just as the Imaginary Bauhaus Museum exhibition imagines how the original Bauhaus collection of 168 objects by Walter Gropius can be re-imagined for the future, the exhibition design itself reflects this dynamic mix of past and present. (Text: Xenia Schürmann)



How can we succeed in countering the musealization of Bauhaus with a radical debate of present or future political and social realities? Together with the audience, the international students and staff will explore the utopian possibilities of a future Bauhaus collection through performances and installations at Schiller Museum (April 3 - June 2) and in public urban spaces (April - July 2019). IMAGINARY BAUHAUS MUSEUM is an artistic research exhibition series of the MFA program "Public Art and New Artistic Strategies", Faculty of Art and Design of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar under the direction of professor Danica Dakić, Anke Hannemann, Ina Weise, Jirka Reichmann (coordinator) in collaboration with Vanessa Brazeau, Stefan Klein, Natsumi Sugiyama, international students and alumni of the MFA program and with Dr. Sabine Folie, Prof. Michael Lüthy, Dr. Boris Buden and other guests. In collaboration with Klassik Stiftung Weimar, funded by Kreativfonds of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Thüringer Staatskanzlei.

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